Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - Meeting More Cycling Friends

Mitchell, OR to Mt. Vernon, OR (67 Miles)

Started the day by riding out at 7:00am and faced a 6 mile uphill climb…Oh Goodie, My favorite…NOT! But, the balance of the day was a slight downhill or flat ride, with very little uphill. The views included high buttes, small mountain ranges all around as the route primarily followed the John Day River . There were miles of sparse vegetation, then you would have open plans with cattle and horse ranches. Toward the 50 mile point the route passed through a some sheer cliffs that rose from the river and went straight up. There was one area know as the Picture Gorge, that was especially impressive. I rode off route 2 miles to visit the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument Visitor Center. I am not really into fossils, but it was a pretty cool exhibit and they are continuing to uncover new fossils across that particular area.  Met a fellow heading west who was leading a group of 4 on Oregon’s official bicycle loop trail. Lehman Holder is from Vancouver, Washington and head of the Sierra Club. He organizes all kinds of outings (i.e. hikes, kayak, bike, etc.). They were planning to overnight at a church in Dayville, OR. Toward the end of the day, I came upon Joe again. Joe has a beard that hangs down to his belly, probably has not showered for some time, except when it rains. His bicycle was loaded down with an estimated 80 pounds of stuff, to include his black cat, Sissy, who rides in a animal crate on the back. He is always walking his bike when I see him. Just like I did on Monday, I stopped to ask if he was OK and if he needed anything. He said not but his legs were just not wanted to pedal today. I offered a granola bar, but he said, “No, I’m good. I am going to take a break at the Rest Area ahead. ” So, I went on. I found out from another cyclist who had inquired of Joe further, that Joe has been on the road since April 2011 starting in Florida, to the Pacific Ocean. Now,  he was making his way toward St Louis and probably back to Florida.

Our campsite was made at the State Park outside Mt. Vernon, OR. In the evening, we drove into John Day, OR to get some fuel and groceries. On our way out of the camp, I spotted Joe hanging out around the rest room in the picnic area of the State Park. So, on the way back from town, I picked up a quarter pounder meal from McDonald’s and offered it to Joe. He was very grateful and I am guessing Sissy will get part of the dinner.  Tomorrow has three pretty big climbs, so I will plan another early start.
 As you see this sign at the top of a 6 mile climb, a sense of accomplishment is realized.
In the middle of no where, there appears this tree that is full of shoes...I don't know! 
 An example of what was at the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument Visitor Center

 If this guy stays here long enough maybe he can grow up to be a fossil someday.
 Lehman Holder leading a group of cyclist around Oregon as part of the Sierra Club. What a nice fellow!
Our campsite at the Clyde Holliday State Park was right next to the John Day River 
 The start of the ride through Picture Gorge.

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