Although, I have been riding my bike since I was a young whipper-snapper, the official training began on January 1, 2012. Thankfully the winter was mild which allowed me to get outside for a lots of rides. When the winter temperature was unbearable (less than 30 degrees), I would use the stationary Schwinn Airdyne to keep the legs and cardiovascular system in shape. The obvious goal is to gradually increase the number of miles each week. For the first two months, through the end of February 2012, I have pedaled 565 miles. In contrast to March 1st to date, I have added another 540 miles, for a total of 1,105 miles. Lately the wind has been a big issue, but I have been told riding in a strong headwind helps condition one for mountain climbs. I can see that theory to be the case, as my legs are feeling it today after a 50 mile ride yesterday in 20+ MPH winds. I rode to Middle Point, via Delphos, Ohio.
The goal for the cross country trip is to ride 60-75 miles per day with one day off each week to recover and let the legs rest a bit. For the past three weeks, I have had at least one 60 mile and multiple 50 mile daily rides. So, things are improving and I am more confident that I will be ready when June arrives and this crazy kid sets off on the adventure.
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